Our team

We are a company that works with the business of creating unforgettable interactive products with people like you. We’ve spent the last 5 years helping over 25,000 teams.

Management and head office team

Team of creators and developers

Profile photo men
Ralph Bonueares

System architect

Profile photo women
Helena Macconahy

Support specialist

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Corbina Dallas

Software engineer

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Juliana Watson

System designer

Team profile photo men
Patrick Henderson

Programmer analyst

Team profile photo women
Rachel Mitchell

Project manager

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Jessica Spenser

Help desk specialist

Profile photo men
Frank Masterson

Software developer

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Improve your business with the right solutions

"It is really refreshing to create the best solutions for clients who are truly interested in their client’s needs and preferences. We offer one of the most comprehensive sets of laboratory services and quality result."

Profile photo John Doe

John Doe

CEO, Apple

The most common questions

How does SAASworld make money?
What projects can be done on SAASworld?
What is the Top Rated program?
How does SAASworld make money?
What’s the difference between finding clients online, versus locally?
Can I sell scripts, etc. written by others?
Can I sell already made solutions?
Improve your business and make your work easy
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